We grown - Chance The Rapper June 17, 2020 It’s not constructive and undermines all the work Noname has done. They both my peoples but only one of them put out a whole song talking about how the other needs to reconsider their tone and attitude in order to save the world.

Yet another L for men masking patriarchy and gaslighting as contructive criticism.- Chance The Rapper June 17, 2020 I wish we could learn that w/o two artists I admire having a public dispute.” Is this a dispute? Considering Noname hasn’t responded yet, it looks more like just another day as a woman in a male-dominated industry. “I can agree with that and can apply it in my own life. “Everybody’s argument on either side is, we can’t personally attack each other if we really want to see a revolution,” he tweeted. We grown.” Finally, he tried to reach across the Twitter divide.

It’s not constructive and undermines all the work Noname has done,” he continued. When a fan tried to argue, he followed up with this: “They both my peoples but only one of them put out a whole song talking about how the other needs to reconsider their tone and attitude in order to save the world. “Yet another L for men masking patriarchy and gaslighting as contructive criticism,” he tweeted. Cole fans are not happy with the stance he took. Chance, who helped boost Noname’s career with a feature on his mixtape Acid Rap, came in with his camp-counselor demeanor to try to create peace on Twitter, but J. Update, 2:30 p.m.: Chance the Rapper has caught up on the discourse. “Well, maybe ‘cause deep down I know I ain’t doing enough.” “But damn, why I feel faker than Snow on Tha Bluff?” he finishes. He suggests that she “treat people like children,” instead of calling them out, then, finally, turns to look inward. He continues by assuming that Noname had “parents that know ‘bout the struggle for liberation,” but Noname herself had to read more about activism and capitalism after being dragged by Twitter last year. Cole is presumably talking about Noname’s recent tweet, where she called out “top selling rappers” in general who haven’t used their platform to show support for Black Lives Matter. “She mad at the celebrities, low-key I be thinkin’ she talkin’ ‘bout me / Now I ain’t no dummy to think I’m above criticism / So when I see something that’s valid, I listen / But shit, it’s something about the queen tone that’s botherin’ me,” he raps in the beginning. Cole’s idea of being “gentle” with Noname is spending the majority of “Snow on Tha Bluff” making assumptions about her and excuses for himself. And I appreciate her and others like her because they challenge my beliefs and I feel that in these times that’s important.- J. I haven’t done a lot of reading and I don’t feel well equipped as a leader in these times. “We may not agree with each other but we gotta be gentle with each other,” he left with a peace sign, no petitions linked, no GoFundMes, no bail funds. Meanwhile a nigga like me just be rapping.” He finishes by saying he’s not a leader, but appreciates Noname for “challenging” his beliefs. She has done and is doing the reading and the listening and the learning on the path that she truly believes is the correct one for our people. Follow I love and honor her as a leader in these times. I accept all conversation and criticisms. “That’s fine with me, it’s not my job to tell anybody what to think or feel about the work. Cole said he stands behind “every word of the song that dropped last night.” “Some assume to know who the song is about,” he said in a thread. But instead of just being up front about those insecurities, he spends over half of the song dragging an unnamed woman many assumed to be Noname, based on the tracks’s description of the woman’s tweets. Cole’s own feelings of inadequacy surrounding activism. Make it make sense! Thirty-five-year-old Jermaine Cole’s new song “ Snow on Tha Bluff” addresses the current protests against racism and police brutality across the world and alludes to J. Cole logged on to Twitter bright and early this morning to double down on his alleged Noname diss, but also to say that he honors and appreciates her. Photo: Issac Baldizon/NBAE via Getty Images